Payment & Delivery

Delivery Options
  • To "Nova Poshta" branch
  • Courier delivery through "Nova Poshta"
  • Self-pickup in Kyiv

Usually, we dispatch orders within a day.

The delivery time is 1-2 days across Ukraine, and the cost is calculated based on the tariffs of the logistics service "Nova Poshta.

If the order amount exceeds 1000 UAH, the delivery is on us!

Payment methods
  • Upon receipt
  • Online through LiqPay service (Visa, Mastercard)
  • To PrivatBank card

A COD (Cash on Delivery) fee of 20 UAH +2% of the transfer amount is applicable. Please consider this if you intend to pay for your order upon receipt.

Pickup point

Kharkivske Highway 19, office 2112, Kyiv

Work schedule: mon - fri, 10:00 - 19:00

Please notify us in advance of your visit, and we will coordinate the time and day for the pickup 🙃